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Part 1. Preamble
The primary academic mission of Rochester Community and Technical College (全球赌博十大网站) is to provide quality learning opportunities for students. Acts of academic dishonesty undermine the educational process and the learning experience for the student and our college community. It is the responsibility of the student to complete their academic requirements with integrity and not engage in acts of cheating, plagiarism, or collusion. The College expects that students are submitting work and materials that reflects their individual learning and efforts within their course, program, and college academic requirements.
It is expected that 全球赌博十大网站 students will understand and adhere to the concept of academic integrity and to the standards of conduct outlined within this policy. Students who are found to have engaged in an act of academic dishonesty may face academic sanctions through the Academic Integrity Procedure and non-academic misconduct sanctions through the Code of Student Conduct.
Part 2. Definitions
The prevailing forms of academic dishonesty are cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and the intentional submission of false information.
Cheating in the instructional setting is the unauthorized use or exchange of information by students in meeting academic standards or requirements. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Copying other’s work during an examination.
- Using unauthorized notes or aids during an assessment.
- Using technology to circumvent restrictions placed on assessments.
- Obtaining or using unauthorized assistance on a take home examination.
- Attempting to obtain, bribing or knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an unreleased examination or course assessment.
- Submitting substantial portions of work for credit in more than one course, without consulting the instructors.
- Submitting research and assignments prepared by others (e.g., purchasing or obtaining the services of a commercial term paper company).
- Fabricating or falsifying data or information.
- Altering or forging an official college document.
- Using any device to transmit information to others or self in an unauthorized manner.
Plagiarism is representing another person’s words or ideas as one’s own without proper attribution or credit. Other people’s words or ideas must be given adequate documentation whether used in direct quotation or in summary or paraphrase. Any form of plagiarism constitutes an act of cheating. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Quoting written or oral materials without citation on an exam, paper, homework, or other written materials or oral presentations for an academic requirement.
- Submitting a paper purchased from a term paper service as one’s own.
- submitting anyone else’s work as one’s own.
Unauthorized Collaboration is an agreement by two or more people to commit an act of academic dishonesty. The College will not attempt to distinguish between students who cheat or plagiarize and those who allow such behaviors to occur. A student who intentionally assists another in the act of cheating or plagiarism is subject to disciplinary action for academic dishonesty. Any form of unauthorized collaboration constitutes an act of cheating. Unauthorized collaboration includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Collaborating with any other person during an assessment without authorization.
- Taking an examination for another student and/or arranging for another student to take an examination.
Part 3. Procedure
Procedures for Policy 3.6.2 are outlined under Procedure Academic Integrity Procedure.
Date of Implementation: Immediately
Date of Adoption: 2/28/17
Updated: 11/30/2021